Team Coaching & High Performance Sport

We avoid polished corporate speak & whiteboard theory to give you an experience that works to shift the team, stepping through some or all of the following depending on the environment.

How It Comes TOGETHER:

How It Comes TOGETHER:

Deep connection

We create a space that encourages people to let their guard down and show up as their true self. This alone fuels deeper connection.

Understanding each other – The story

If I know your story and you know mine, it’s more likely I’ll stand alongside you through the hard stuff. We explore this in a team environment.

Real conversations

We get clear on what is working, what needs to shift. We bring truth into your team, with warmth.

Deep connection

We create a space that encourages people to let their guard down and show up as their true self. This alone fuels deeper connection.

Understanding each other – The story

If I know your story and you know mine, it’s more likely I’ll stand alongside you through the hard stuff. We explore this in a team environment.

Real conversations

We get clear on what is working, what needs to shift. We bring truth into your team, with warmth.

Simple clarity

In plain language, we work on the questions ‘where are we going?’ ‘what are we trying to achieve?’ and we set the direction as a team to encourage ownership of the path ahead.


Keeping this alive is important. Getting clear on what we want the team to look, sound and feel like is key. We create an agreement that puts the responsibility back on the team.


Teams that enjoy each other’s company, achieve more. Full stop.

The Outcome

This process powerfully unites the team to work closely together towards a shared vision.

The Outcome

This process powerfully unites the team to work closely together towards a shared vision.

People say...

People say...

Disrupting the edges